I have another blog about my life and experiences with Crohn's Disease. It can be found at http://gimestrength.blogspot.com/ . I write it because I need to do something to help spread awareness about the disease, and want others to know my story, especially those that have been through similar situations so that they know they are not alone.
This blog is different though. I do not allow myself to be defined as a Crohnie only. There are many other facets of my life that are just as important. I am Tracey that has Crohn's, not a Crohnie who's name is Tracey. There is a huge difference, and it took me a while to be able to separate myself from the disease.
But now that I have...I love to learn new things. I read everyday, my Bible and other sources of enjoyment.
I want to cover subjects, (alphabetically instead of randomly, which I thought would be more of a challenge)that pique my interests, of which I have many.
I have been a collector since I was a youngster. I started with pretty rocks of various types that I kept in bread bags (and never looked at again, which drove my parents crazy), and now I have coins, antique linen, silver and elephants. I want to learn more about these types of things.
There are other things that I want to teach you guys, my readers, and I would like to have guest bloggers to introduce to you some new activities you may not be familiar with. I am passionate about Theatre and will probably write about it and it's history. In University I did a double-major in Theatre and Psychology. I specialized in Costume Design and love sewing so I want to give you some tips and ideas.
Sometimes there are certain topics on the news that I feel really strongly about, and will use this venue to rant about them. If you don't agree with me, that's alright and I want to know about it. What kind of world would it be if we all had the same points of view? Pretty boring.
I may get stumped on a letter and may not be sure what to write about, and may ask you guys for suggestions. Bring them on! Any ideas about a topic you may want me to research and write about will be warmly welcomed. This blog is as much yours as it is mine because I not only write it for me, but for you too!
I'm looking forward to writing these posts, and I hope you enjoy reading them.
Peace :)